If you’re in the mood for a little summer giveaway, myself, as well as many other authors in the wonderful Indie-Licious group, have put together some fun stuff! For each month of summer-June, July, and August- there will be a new tote bag filled with awesome books, swag, and summertime goodies up for grabs! Exhale will be taking part in this event! Which means in one of the bags there is a signed paperback and in the others signed swag!

Check out this months bag of goodies: JUNE GIVEAWAY

In other summer reading fun news…Conjure will be released this summer! It’s in the hands of my talented formatter as I type this AND I should have a cover reveal coming up sometime later this month! Which means…you’ll be learning of the official release date shortly!

Summer means time spent away from the computer and outside at various places with my two kidos while they enjoy their summer break. Which means that while they’re playing at the park or running through the water feature there, I’m sitting on a bench with my nose crammed into a book. I’m finally catching up on my TBR pile! And trust me when I say this…it is LONG!

I’ll leave you with this little bit of wisdom I’ve already figured out this summer:

1) About a month before school lets out I need to become a hermit and ignore all online distractions in order to finish whatever novel I’m currently writing before the kids get out for the summer, because then my writing time become nonresistant.

2) Having a long TBR list is actually a good thing, because I don’t have to spend time wondering what good book to read next, it’s already there on my Kindle waiting!