I’ve been debating on whether or not to type this post. Those of you who follow my blog, or any other social media outlet of mine, all know that I do not discuss my personal life very often.

I’m about to break that rule and get very personal with you all.

Let me warn you, dear reader, right now…if you are male, you may not want to read any further than this. I’ll say this post will discuss some female stuff that may or may not be of any interest to you.

That being said, let me continue with the topic at hand.

Cervical Cancer. Endometrial Cancer. This is where I’m going with this post. And I guess I should start where any story does, at the beginning, with this post.

When I was 18 I was diagnosed with cervical dysplasia that had progressed far enough for me to need to have LEEP, which is a procedure to remove the precancerous cells before they become full-blown cancer. This worked for nearly 8 years. Last September, I had a bad Pap come back. After freaking out, because I was so used to never getting that dreaded phone call telling me something abnormal was found, I was told I needed to have biopsies taken. This was a precaution to see how far along the abnormal cells were.

I took my two Tylenol, I went in, and I prayed everything would come back normal. I prayed that it was a fluke. Well, it didn’t and it wasn’t. It came back low enough for me to wait another 6 months to retest, but not what I wanted to hear–which was that it was gone.

Fast forward to a month or so ago.

I went in for my check-up pap, again thinking everything would surly be gone this time and that there was no way this was coming back. No way. I take better care of myself now than when I was 18. Way better. More sleep. I exercise a few times a week as opposed to not. I eat healthier. I don’t smoke cigarettes.

None of that mattered, because it came back as being worse than it was 6 months before. Also, they said there was a risk of Endometrial Cancer this time that they had found. I had no clue what that even was, but knew it didn’t sound good. Turns out, it’s cancer of your uterus lining.

I’m not going to lie, this is where I cried. I cried a lot. For about a day. I kept thinking “There’s no way they’re talking about me. They’ve gotten the results mixed up somehow.” After a few days of being in a funk. I wasn’t crying anymore, I was simply confused. I couldn’t wrap my head around how this was happening to me. Why had it come back and why was the Endometrial Cancer now a big concern. I mean, where the hell did that even come from? I’m young. 28. This shouldn’t even be on the table right now.

Needless to say, I booked the date to have more biopsies taken– a scraping of my uterus and some small tissue samples, plus another pap.

I freaked out a little more and then it hit me: suck it up and do what you have to do. I decided to think positive. To know (and remind myself daily, hourly, minutely) this will not kill me. They’d caught it early enough. And I was so incredibly grateful for that!

This is where I will interject how IMPORTANT it is for us females to have regular pap’s!

I also Googled green smoothies and natural ways to cure cancer. Even though I hadn’t been flat-out diagnosed with it…I still wanted to learn everything I could about how to make it go away naturally.

And I did.

I learned about the power of food. I Googled green smoothies and tweeted for references on the best tasting ones. And then I created my own.

For the past three weeks this is what I’ve been drinking once a day:

– a handful of spinach
– a handful of kale
– a handful of carrots
– half of the juice from a lemon
– a handful of broccoli
– about a cup of almond milk
– and one banana (for flavor)

So, I went last Tuesday for those biopsies. I didn’t cry. I didn’t freak out. I was done with that. I was thinking positive.

My results came back yesterday. I’m Endometrial Cancer FREE! I still have some precancerous dysplasia on  my cervix, but it’s not enough to have LEEP or any other procedure at the moment. I’ve booked my next pap for in 6 months like recommended by my doctor. I’m continuing to drink the Green Smoothies everyday. I’m still thinking positive. And hopefully in 6 months my pap will come back as normal!

My reason for posting this is not one laced with a need for pity or attention, it’s to bring awareness to women, old and young, cancer does not discriminate. It doesn’t care if you exercise regularly or sleep 8 hrs a night. GET A REGULAR PAP! For some it could mean the difference between life and death. Seriously.

I’ll end with this:

The raw emotions I felt in going through all of this have spurred another novel idea. One day (I don’t know when. Maybe soon, maybe later) I plan to write a story based loosely off of my experience with this topic.