Hello my lovely followers! It’s Friday again, which means it’s time to see what goodie I’m curently reading and share the First Sentence with you!

I’m still reading the Peachville High Demons series by Sarra Cannon. I’m currently on book five Shadow Demons. I am so in love with this series! The author manages to surprise me in each book with little twists and turns. Such a good read series!

Here’s the first sentence of the novel:

Windows stared out at us like dead eyes.

A very intriguing first sentence, don’t you think? Poetic almost.

In other news, I have something special planed for Monday’s post! Something I’m SO excited about! If you’ve wanted to read Marked, but haven’t bought it yet this may be your chance to get it for free. Look for my post on Monday to find out how and where…   😉