I’ve been busy with writing Changed, the sequel to Marked, these past few weeks. I’m hoping to have this released sometime in May!

A new story has taken front and center in my mind and I’m becoming engrossed in writing it as I’m doing my final rounds of editing for Changed before I send it off to my lovely editor. I don’t want to giveaway any details as of yet, but if this turns into something then you will be the first to know!

Also, I’m hoping to put full focus on Hereafter in the next few months to be able to get it out there for those of you have read Touch recently and are eagerly anticipating learning what happens next to Rowan and Jet. Again this novel will not be available until the later part of the year, but I will keep you posted on it’s progress.

Marked will also be going on a blog tour starting April 2nd! I’ll have a banner posted up for that as well as all the stops sometime over the next few weeks. There will be giveaways with this, so be sure you look for the banner and details to find out what! 😉