Hello everyone! Today’s YA Indie Author Interview is with Michelle Scott author of BLOOD SISTERS.

Blood Sisters Cover.jpg

Summary: Starla had always imagined that becoming a vampire would make her popular, glamorous and wealthy. But after she and her best friend, Jordan, become undead, Starla realizes one thing: a vampire’s life sucks.
Since there’s no turning back, she tries to make the best of her situation, but it isn’t easy. Especially not after her friend abandons her to serve the oldest, most powerful vampire in the city. Or when she gets on the bad side of a gang of vampires who’ve taken over the zoo. Or when she meets a really cute boy and ends up falling in love, only to find out that there’s a major problem…she’s a vampire, and he’s a vampire killer.

The first sentence of the novel: “When Starla saw that all of her friend’s things had been packed neatly into boxes and set out on the front porch, she felt a twinge of jealousy.”

BLOOD SISTERS can be purchased on Amazons KindleSmashwords , and Barns and Nobels Nook.

1)Do you resemble your main character? If so how much? My main character, Starla, is about thirty years younger than I am, but even so, I didn’t resemble her even when I was a teenager. Starla is a very angry girl who loves to draw and is in love with Mr. Wrong. I don’t draw – I write – and I’m married to a great guy! I used to get very angry, too (and still do), but I displayed it differently than she does. For example, I never wrecked someone’s patio furniture or punched a brick wall because I got mad. Starla is also a better friend that I probably am. She never gives up on people. Even if they let her down.

2)What is your writing process like? I write nearly every day. I’m a very early riser, so I try to be at my desk by seven in the morning. Then I work until noon or one o’clock. I also use an immense dry-erase board and a lot of different color markers to plan out my plot and subplots. And I *always* listen to music when I’m working! I’m especially fond of electronica like Zero Seven and Morcheeba.

3)What made you decide to become an Indie Author? Because I’m also published traditionally, I’ve had a chance to see both sides of the industry. What I like about being an indie is that I don’t have to be as patient as I do when working with a traditional publisher! With traditional publishing, it can literally take years for a novel to go into print. Being an indie lets me set my own schedule. It is a great deal of work, but I still am able to create books much more quickly.

4)What is your favorite guilty pleasure? I am addicted to movies! I practically live at our local movie-plex. But the really guilty part of this is that I like extra butter on my popcorn, Milk Duds, and a huge Coke. Although, the huge Coke thing really backfired on me when I went to see the final Harry Potter movie and had to run to the bathroom during the final, epic scene, lol.

5)What were the last five books you read? I’ve been reading a lot this summer, and I also like to read a variety of book! So my last five, in order were: The Wrath of Kings and Princes by Brondt Kamffer, Club Dead by Charlaine Harris, This is a Book by Dimitri Martin, Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins, and Water for Elephants by Sarah Gruen
Author bio: Michelle Scott received her MFA from Wayne State University. Her stories have appeared in such places as Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show, All Possible Worlds and Realms. Her fantasy novel, The Dragons of Hazlett was nominated for a 2009 EPPIE Award. Michelle’s YA novels include the vampire romance, Blood Sisters, and the fantasy Uncommon Magic. Her latest fantasy novel, An Anthem for the Battle Lands, was just released from Mundania Press, LLC. Michelle lives in southeast Michigan with her husband and three children.
You can reach Michelle Scott on her webiste or her Blog, so check her out!