Hello! I welcome you with open arms 2014!
Here is a tiny list of the things that will be happening this year:
-This year I plan to release a few more novels in the Coldcreek companion series. I won’t say how many, because at this point I don’t have a definite answer to that question for myself. You all know Control You is Paige Jacobs story, and that I’m currently working on another novel from someone else in this series. That’s pretty much where it’s at right now. Yeah, I do have an idea for other things…but I don’t like to give details until I have something concrete for myself. This was something I learned early on in this business. I’m not about getting people’s hopes up and don’t like writing under pressure.
-I also plan to redo some older covers in 2014. Three total. If you’ve been following me on my Facebook Author page or Twitter then you know Marked and Changed are two of them. As for the third? Well, you’ll just have to wait and see…
-I will also be redoing my blog. When? Sometime soon. Why? Because I like changing it up every now and then. *shrugs*
That about sums everything up for the time being. Wishing you all a awesome-filled New Year!