It feels as though my blog posts have slowed down lately. This is partly due to my kids being out of school for the summer, as well as me being wrapped up in Confined and my NA Contemp novel. Here is a break down of things going on:

– I’ve gotten Confined (A Tethered Novel, Book 3) back from the editor and am in the process of looking over suggestions and whatnot.

You can expect some teasers to happen after the cover reveal. Cover reveal? Yes, there is one scheduled for Aug. 19th!

– I’ve been writing like a mad woman, working on that NA Contemp. I’m really enjoying these characters and think you will as well. I hit 47k last night and my goal is to have a rough draft finished before my kidos go back to school in three weeks…three weeks! Yes. I may be counting down the days with them, for split reasons.

Reason one: I will have my writing time back.

Reason two: I will miss them furiously throughout the day.

That all being said…I think you lovlies deserve to know the NAME of said NA Contemp, don’t you? You’ve waited long enough…I guess. Drum Roll please! And here it is:


It fits with the story so very well. I’m shooting for an end of year release for this one. More details to come!
– I’ve been stocking up on cool things to giveaway at New Adult Sleepover Weekend in December. So far I’ve got some way cool Catalyst and Conjure bookmarks and some fabulous Catalyst buttons!
Check out these beauties…
And by the way…CATALYST IS ONLY $1.99 NOW!
– I’ve been reading up on Scrivener for windows lately as well. I write in Microsoft Word, but after reading THIS POST by Liz Long, I decided to buy Scrivener and give it a try. I’m still figuring it out. The selling feature for me was being able to convert your files into Mobi and ePub format using it. As a self-pubed author that’s a HUGE thing. Also, the composition mode seemed awesome. Writing with no buttons to distract me…just the document in my face and the choice of whatever color or picture I want behind it for inspiration? Awesome!
– I’ve gained a love and appreciation for Ernest Hemingway quotes as of late. This is partly because I’ve been searching for a quote to tuck into the front of Break You. Here is my favorite one lately:
“Wine is the most civilized thing in the world.”
– Ernest Hemingway
Let me just state now, that quote will not be in the novel. It’s just for fun! I bought a picture from my favorite place to browse online ( the other day and am eagerly awaiting its presence in my mail box. As soon as I get it and tuck it in the frame I bought, I’ll share its awesomeness with you. 😉