Yes, this is one of my favorite holidays! No, it’s not just about the free candy or the awesome costumes. It’s the spookiness that’s in the air. That creepy energy that charges the air all around. 
Here are some fun Halloween Facts:
– The correct spelling of Halloween is actually Hallowe’en
– Bobbing for apples started with a Roman harvest festival honoring Pamona, the goddess of fruit trees.
– Jack O’Lanterns originated in Ireland as hollowed out turnips with candles placed in them to keep away evil ghosts and spirits on the Samhain holiday.
– If you see a spider on Halloween it is said to be the spirit of a loved one watching over you.
– Halloween celebrations date back 2000 years as traditional Pagan traditions.
I hope everyone has a happy and safe Halloween! I’ll leave you with one of my favorite little Halloween poems: