Friday has come around again. For this week’s First Sentence Friday I’ve got a few great ones for you!

So, I read Hollowland by Amanda Hocking a little over a year ago. I really enjoyed it, but sadly it’s taken me until this week to get to reading the second instalment to that series Hollowmen.

Here’s the first sentence:

I was dying.

I’ve noticed that a lot of readers have claimed this book fell flat for them. I won’t say why or get into that because I’m not one for spoilers, but I will say that as a whole I did like this book and would recommend it to others even though it was not one of my FAVORITE/MUST READ books.

I’m currently reading Drip Drop Teardrop by Samantha Young. This chick is such a wickedly talented author! This will be my second book (well this one is actually a Novella) by her that I’ve read, but I’m blown away by her writing style. I have her book Moon Spell on my kindle and cannot wait until I am finished writing Changed (sequel to Marked) so I can read it!

Here’s the first sentence to Drip Drop Teardrop:

This shallow-faced creature with the sunken cheeks and hollow eyes bruised with unnatural tiredness could not ever be her vivacious Aunt Caroline.
Have a great weekend and Happy Reading!