So here is my post of random updates for the month.

1) Marked is *almost* finished! I’ve got it out with a few more Beta readers and have set it aside for a few weeks so that I can go back to it with a set of fresh eyes.

2) I’ve created a cover for Marked that I love and cannot wait to share it with you…soon. First I’m tweaking a blurb.

3) I’m currently working on writing Changed, the sequel to Marked, as we speak. Which means *hopefully* there won’t be too long of a wait in between each book.

4) I’ve also jotted down some idea’s and little scenes for Hereafter lately. I’m really wanting to get this novel out there for those of you who have read Touch and Choice…the problem…I have another novel idea that’s taking over  my brain. Something new. I keep smacking it away, for the moment, though!

5) In case you haven’t noticed…Shattered Soul is still free on! It’s also received another 5 STAR review there! Yay!

6) Here is the AWESOME review for it:

“This story really hurt my heart. Whereas I did like Ali’s character, I really was a bigger fan of Seth. I just really wanted to see him get out of the situation he was in and I was really hoping Ali was going to be the one to do that! I also wanted to see Calvin in jail!. Overall though I could not put the book down!” – Lisa Davall

And there you have it. I hope everyone is having a great week!