Happy Friday people! I’ve got another Indie Spotlight Interview for you… today’s is with Ethan Cobb author of Shadow Sport!

What is the price of eternity?

When Vespa’s father mysteriously dies, her family uproots and moves to a small coastal town in Oregon. Vespa yearns to disappear from the gawking stares of her new classmates, except one.  She’s intrigued by Ember, a fashionable, and charming student.  But the deeper Vespa involves herself in Ember’s life, the darker his secrets become.  As Vespa unravels more about Ember, she suspects there may be more to her father’s death.  Then she finds herself caught in ShadowSport—a celebration that will answer all her questions and awaken new nightmares.

Shadow Sport is approximately 53,000 words long, and meant to appeal to fans of the Hunger Games and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

The first sentence of the novel: “A line of dirt clung to the blood on Ember’s face.”

Shadow Sport can be purchased on Amazon and Smashwords.

1)What inspired you to write this story? One day the image of a teenage girl running through a graveyard in the middle of the night popped into my head.  I wrote the scene and put the page aside to work on other things while the idea germinated.  Problem was the plot that kept coming back was about a girl and a vampire she liked, and I felt saturated from the deluge of paranormal romance vampire books hitting the market (this was shortly before Breaking Dawn).  Besides, I doubted I could do romance.  So, I threw the idea out and tried to focus on another, but the thought didn’t stay put in the idea junkyard.  Instead, thoughts of this book kept bouncing around in my mind.  The solution was simple.  Just write this thing I couldn’t get out of my head and move on to the next story that might be publishable.  With merry thoughts that the story would be just for me I leapt in to see where the story would go.  When I finished, to my relief, the story resembled Hunger Games more than it did Twilight. 

2)Are you a morning, mid day, or night time writer? My most productive time is in the morning, but I sneak in an hour each evening as well.

3)What are you currently working on now? Revisions on my next novel, currently titled Summoning Dark and writing the sequel to Shadow Sport.

4)What super power do you wish you had? Ever since I saw Superman, it had to be flying.

5)What were the last five books you read?
 The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan
  Replay by Keira Lea
 Thud! by Terry Pratchett
  Death Bringer by Derek Landy
 Telling Lies for Fun & Profit: A Manual for Fiction Writers by Lawrence Block

Author Bio: Ethan grew up looking into dark corners for monsters to eviscerate.  Thankfully, he never found any, and instead only ended up creating fictional creatures.  Ethan enjoys writing young adult fantasy that focuses on strong characters and action. His first published novel is Shadow Sport. He also has several short stories published including: Last Rites, Amongthe Little Fishes, and The Other Side of Eden.

To learn more about Ethan Cobb check out his Blog.

Have a great weekend everyone and happy reading!